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Preise: Sax

3 Angebote Sax, Vergleichen Sie die heutigen Angebote .

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  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Yamaha - - Expedition: 0 - Adorned with a hand-engraved bell and outfitted with a versatile octave key system, Yamaha's YTS-480 tenor saxophone boasts some of the same features as some of its professional siblings, making it a brilliant choice for up-and-coming sax players....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Brancher - - Expedition: 0 - The Brancher BMG is a great option when you're looking for an extra-durable ligature for your baritone sax. Specifically designed for metal mouthpieces, this gold-plated ligature features an elegant strings-and-screw tension adjustment system so you can adjust the pressure that's put on your reed. B...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Yamaha - - Expedition: 0 - Featuring a traditional body combined with an improved neck and various thoughtful details, the Yamaha YAS-62 alto saxophone guarantees clear sound, satisfying playing comfort, and welcome compatibility with different necks. This high-quality Eb alto sax has been embellished with hand-made engraving...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Yamaha - - Expedition: 0 - Adorned with a hand-engraved bell and outfitted with a versatile octave key system, Yamaha's YTS-480 tenor saxophone boasts some of the same features as some of its professional siblings, making it a brilliant choice for up-and-coming sax players....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Brancher - - Expedition: 0 - The Brancher BMG is a great option when you're looking for an extra-durable ligature for your baritone sax. Specifically designed for metal mouthpieces, this gold-plated ligature features an elegant strings-and-screw tension adjustment system so you can adjust the pressure that's put on your reed. B...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Yamaha - - Expedition: 0 - Featuring a traditional body combined with an improved neck and various thoughtful details, the Yamaha YAS-62 alto saxophone guarantees clear sound, satisfying playing comfort, and welcome compatibility with different necks. This high-quality Eb alto sax has been embellished with hand-made engraving...siehe Rest im Laden.
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