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Preise: Ghost

5 Angebote Ghost, Vergleichen Sie die heutigen Angebote .

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  • Angebot von 07-05-2024

    1119 CHF

    1549 CHF

    - Jackson -

    - Marke: Jackson - - Expedition: 0 - With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only furt...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Earthquaker Devices - - Expedition: 0 - Loin de se contenter d'une seule évolution visuelle, EarthQuaker Devices a apporté quelques améliorations à cette troisième version de sa célèbre Ghost Echo. En effet, la force du signal a été presque multipliée par deux, pour une réverbe plus efficace, et les amplis op ont été changés...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024

    1119 CHF

    1549 CHF

    - Jackson -

    - Marke: Jackson - - Expedition: 0 - With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only furt...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Earthquaker Devices - - Expedition: 0 - Loin de se contenter d'une seule évolution visuelle, EarthQuaker Devices a apporté quelques améliorations à cette troisième version de sa célèbre Ghost Echo. En effet, la force du signal a été presque multipliée par deux, pour une réverbe plus efficace, et les amplis op ont été changés...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - In collaboration with Swedish metal royalty, Ghost, Hagstrom developed the fresh Fantomen solid-body. The looks and sound of this electric offset perfectly echo the dark heaviness of the band....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - In collaboration with Swedish metal royalty, Ghost, Hagstrom developed the fresh Fantomen solid-body. The looks and sound of this electric offset perfectly echo the dark heaviness of the band....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - Hagstrom and heavy-metal band Ghost have teamed up again to create an even better version of the Fantomen - the ultra-tight electric guitar they built several years back. Meet the Fantomen Custom and its pair of specially-designed Lundgren humbuckers....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - In collaboration with Swedish metal royalty, Ghost, Hagstrom developed the fresh Fantomen solid-body. The looks and sound of this electric offset perfectly echo the dark heaviness of the band....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - In collaboration with Swedish metal royalty, Ghost, Hagstrom developed the fresh Fantomen solid-body. The looks and sound of this electric offset perfectly echo the dark heaviness of the band....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 07-05-2024
    - Marke: Hagstrom - - Expedition: 0 - Hagstrom and heavy-metal band Ghost have teamed up again to create an even better version of the Fantomen - the ultra-tight electric guitar they built several years back. Meet the Fantomen Custom and its pair of specially-designed Lundgren humbuckers....siehe Rest im Laden.
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