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  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    239 CHF

    239 CHF

    - Barbecook -

    - Marke: Barbecook - - Expedition: 0 - Are you looking for an ecological alternative to charcoal or gas, or just don’t have a lot of space? Alexia is an electric barbecue that will take all the pressure off barbecuing from now on. This barbecue turns grilling into child’s play, even in smaller spaces like a balcony or a city ...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    199 CHF

    199 CHF

    - Barbecook -

    - Marke: Barbecook - - Expedition: 0 - Are you looking for an ecological alternative to charcoal or gas, or just don’t have a lot of space? Alexia is an electric barbecue that will take all the pressure off barbecuing from now on. This barbecue turns grilling into child’s play, even in smaller spaces like a balcony or a city ...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    239 CHF

    239 CHF

    - Barbecook -

    - Marke: Barbecook - - Expedition: 0 - Are you looking for an ecological alternative to charcoal or gas, or just don’t have a lot of space? Alexia is an electric barbecue that will take all the pressure off barbecuing from now on. This barbecue turns grilling into child’s play, even in smaller spaces like a balcony or a city ...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    199 CHF

    199 CHF

    - Barbecook -

    - Marke: Barbecook - - Expedition: 0 - Are you looking for an ecological alternative to charcoal or gas, or just don’t have a lot of space? Alexia is an electric barbecue that will take all the pressure off barbecuing from now on. This barbecue turns grilling into child’s play, even in smaller spaces like a balcony or a city ...siehe Rest im Laden.
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