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  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    229 CHF

    354 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Backed up by 6G SDI technology, Blackmagic's Mini Converters are part of the world's most advanced video signal converters and automatically detect input signals. The Blackmagic Design Mini Converter - Audio SDI 2 seamlessly switches between SD, HD and Ultra HD video standards up to 2160p/30fps and,...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024
    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Equipped with 6G SDI and HDMI 2.0 ports, the Blackmagic Design DeckLink Mini Monitor 4K allows you to take 4K content and send it to display monitors or recorders in real-time. Next to monitors and TVs, this PCI-e playback card is compatible with all kinds of professional broadcast equipment and sup...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    169 CHF

    249 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Convert SDI 6G signals into HDMI video signals with the Blackmagic Design Mini Converter. This unit supports SD, DH, and Ultra-HD formats of up to 2160p and 30fps while the audio is processed into the HDMI signal or as a separate balanced analogue or AES/EBU audio signal. Ultra-HD video signals can...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    169 CHF

    257 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Prepare SDI signals for fibre-optic transmission with the Mini Converter Optical Fiber 12G with the support of a maximum of 60fps in full-HD and 25fps in Ultra HD 4K DCI. This unit comes complete with a power supply....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024
    - Marke: Lenco - - Expedition: 0 - The Lenco LS-40 record player has a stylish wooden design complete with built-in speakers and an integrated phono preamp, meaning it can be directly hooked up to an amplifier or speaker system. To prevent damage to your vinyl or the needle itself, it also features an Auto-Stop function, and so you c...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    229 CHF

    354 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Backed up by 6G SDI technology, Blackmagic's Mini Converters are part of the world's most advanced video signal converters and automatically detect input signals. The Blackmagic Design Mini Converter - Audio SDI 2 seamlessly switches between SD, HD and Ultra HD video standards up to 2160p/30fps and,...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024
    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Equipped with 6G SDI and HDMI 2.0 ports, the Blackmagic Design DeckLink Mini Monitor 4K allows you to take 4K content and send it to display monitors or recorders in real-time. Next to monitors and TVs, this PCI-e playback card is compatible with all kinds of professional broadcast equipment and sup...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    169 CHF

    249 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Convert SDI 6G signals into HDMI video signals with the Blackmagic Design Mini Converter. This unit supports SD, DH, and Ultra-HD formats of up to 2160p and 30fps while the audio is processed into the HDMI signal or as a separate balanced analogue or AES/EBU audio signal. Ultra-HD video signals can...siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024

    169 CHF

    257 CHF

    - Blackmagic Design -

    - Marke: Blackmagic Design - - Expedition: 0 - Prepare SDI signals for fibre-optic transmission with the Mini Converter Optical Fiber 12G with the support of a maximum of 60fps in full-HD and 25fps in Ultra HD 4K DCI. This unit comes complete with a power supply....siehe Rest im Laden.
  • Angebot von 06-05-2024
    - Marke: Lenco - - Expedition: 0 - The Lenco LS-40 record player has a stylish wooden design complete with built-in speakers and an integrated phono preamp, meaning it can be directly hooked up to an amplifier or speaker system. To prevent damage to your vinyl or the needle itself, it also features an Auto-Stop function, and so you c...siehe Rest im Laden.
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